Medical Food Pain Solutions



Millions suffer from acute or chronic pain every year and the effects of pain exact a tremendous toll on our country in health care costs, rehabilitation and lost worker productivity, as well as the emotional and financial burden it places on patients and their families. The costs of unrelieved pain can result in longer hospital stays, increased rates of re-hospitalization, increased outpatient visits, and decreased ability to function fully leading to lost income and insurance coverage.

Physicians have many choices for the treatment of pain, but neither NSAIDs nor narcotics are suitable alternatives for patients that need long term therapy or belong to a high risk group. Finding a treatment for pain that is both effective and safe for long term use is an imperative for the millions of affected patients as well as the healthcare community which seeks to contain the economic and emotional costs of this prolific epidemic.



Average hospitalization cost of acute MI and congestive HF linked to NSAID use according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.


Patients hospitalized for NSAID related GI complications each year.

$4 Billion

The medical costs of adverse GI events associated with NSAID use in the elderly is expected to exceed $4 billion annually.


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Theramine vs. Naproxen

A double-blind controlled trial of a single dose of Naproxen and an amino acid medical food Theramine® for the treatment of low back pain.


Theramine vs. Ibuprofen

A reduction in pain and inflammation associated with chronic low back pain with the use of the medical food Theramine®